Mereia Namatua

Mereia Namatua Poems

Inside Me
The sun mesmerize the waters with its glow
The bird chirrups in the trees
An eagle soars above the horizon

I want money, I want fame
They are nothing more than getting me insane
For all of this are no needs
As happiness you will never achieve

Some find beauty in nature
In the flowers blossoming in early spring
Some find beauty in people
One with the prettiest face indeed

Near the equator there it stood
An island so cherished its worth your look
Groomed by the Pacific Ocean from all dimensions
With tropical climates that are still in expansions

The bible says that it’s a place
Where Jesus, the Christ awaits
For the righteous after the rapture
Who will live happily with Him there

As the queen of the night appeared in the sky
The window of my heart closes for the night
I started to drift up to cloud nine
Where it all began with once upon a time

I look for it in the deepest ocean
I looked for it in the core of the earth
I looked for it ends of the world
But I never seem to find it

There she lies
A picture of perfect peace and serenity
So innocent
Yet marred by the challenges of the world

You were not there when I needed you most
As a baby, as a teenager and being a lady at most
I tried really hard to think of reasons
To still let my heart cares for you

I came in as a foreigner
Waiting for my wings to spread
To experience what the new environment is all about


I am not ill, no I am not
But stigma meets me everywhere I go
I am just different, that I am
But how can I explain it to my fellow men?

To be able to belong is to feel secure
To be able to belong is to feel safe
But in this world, in this era
To belong is like oil in water

I look at the world around me
I see no hope
Yes my boyfriend left me
And I am toast

They formed pillars in societies
That are rather patriarchal I must say
Where the men lead
And they are towed behind

You stood by me in my darkest hour
You have never forsaken or abandon me
You fulfill all my need
On you I will forever lean

They are God's gift
That are like flowers
Nurtured well they will bloom
But if not, you will leave them gloom


life as we know
is like a bouquet of rose
its sweet smelling nectar
convicts you to sweet surrender

What and if are two different words
That if were joined come out really strong
They bedazzle the minds with their sparkling delights
That might leave one regretting if not joined on time

i suffer silently
i am bleeding slowly
the tears i shed
is filling a bottomless well

they say that there is no rainbow without a little rain
no sun without a little cloud
so in a relationship dear lover
like a volcano it will erupt lava

The Best Poem Of Mereia Namatua

Inside Me

Inside Me
The sun mesmerize the waters with its glow
The bird chirrups in the trees
An eagle soars above the horizon
Oh how I long to be free

I am stuck in my own head
With nothing but darkness
I want to get out
And breathe the fresh air all around

I am chained to my mind
Shackled with its weight
Day by day I am dying slowly
Gasping for freedom

My body trembles inside me
I am locked with no key
I need to be free
So my life can at least be full of glee

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