michael 20402040

michael 20402040 Poems


Love is my message
Love is cannot compare with anything
Love is Energy
Love is power

The Best Poem Of michael 20402040


Love is my message
Love is cannot compare with anything
Love is Energy
Love is power
Without love, cannot feel
Love is like Heavens, roses and flowers
Flowers need sunlight and water
without sunlight and water, it will die
Love also the same
Love need energy and power
Without energy and power, love will not grow, just like a tall trees
Some people are thought that love is can get it easily
The answer is 'No', Love is not cannot get it easily because love is always strong, just like a strong trees, it will not fall
A tree has a strong roots, that's why they never fall
Love is like a mirror, it's can break it easily
But you must take care of it
I wanna say to you that 'I LOVE YOU'
No matter how many times i say, i will not stop because 'I'm your Knight'
No matter i call your name 'Millions Of Times', i'm not tired
No matter how many times you break up with me, i'll always be with you
No matter how many times you hate me, i'll always love you
No matter how many battle are coming, i'll be protect with my life and save you
But remember love don't have selfishness and love is not a game.

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