Michael Aaron Finch

Michael Aaron Finch Poems

There's a troll in my bed!
Young Sarah said,
I can't sleep there tonight!
Don't send me to bed...

The Best Poem Of Michael Aaron Finch

Bedtime Dilemma

There's a troll in my bed!
Young Sarah said,
I can't sleep there tonight!
Don't send me to bed...
Her brother then begged,
I'm too young to see such a sight!

With eyes from an owl
and skin from a toad,
A rotten old log was his humble abode;
and many a groan he sadly did moan,
For that soggy old log was a very bad home!

I think that one day, he saw me at play,
and crept in my room in the night,
'Cause he's in there! she said,
Asleep on MY bed!
And he'll wake up if i turn on the light!

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