Michael Gorham

Michael Gorham Poems

Hair of silk black and dark as the night sky at the witching hour.
Eyes be dark brown as born from the earth with a pale white background that appears to be a cream ever flowing.
The face well formed the essence of beauty captured formed most perfectly with an elegance that shall never be matched.

There they are such as grapes of wrath.
Diverged only by a dusty path.

Vines bewildered in an ongoing spiral.

Have you ever had that dream?
That dream so frightful.
The one that you found somewhat delightful.

The Best Poem Of Michael Gorham


Hair of silk black and dark as the night sky at the witching hour.
Eyes be dark brown as born from the earth with a pale white background that appears to be a cream ever flowing.
The face well formed the essence of beauty captured formed most perfectly with an elegance that shall never be matched.

Skin soft as a newborns pillow supporting the head so gentle the color is of a creamy coffee with milk stirred gently and ever so evenly through it.
With the figure rivaling goddesses Aphrodite is envious of such a creature.
The legs are wondrous strong and willing never faulting each leg is with care taken to all new levels of purity and utter magnificent.
Hands noble and steady ready to do about their bidding at the slightest whim never to they argue.

La beauté est infinie.

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