Let me embrace stillness as the ocean reflects the light in the night
Endure suffering as stones engraved with strikes
Remember kindness as dried field once flooded with rain
Forgive myself as the melted snow came and drained
Whispering into my ear
Of passionate words to hear.
Needing me in your life
Day after day, night after night.
I sat in my garden sipping freshly brewed coffee,
gazing at the wall of tall cypress trees.
A peaceful feeling surrounded by greenery.
Seven months of being pregnant,
driving from California to Oregon
for a Christmas family gathering.
"Take breaks more often, " Doctor said.
Echo Of The Earth
Let me embrace stillness as the ocean reflects the light in the night
Endure suffering as stones engraved with strikes
Remember kindness as dried field once flooded with rain
Forgive myself as the melted snow came and drained
Die to the desire as leaves wither and return to earth
Open to new life as seeds rise up in spring search
Be content the humility as blossoms unfold the new beginning
Acknowledge the limitation as ants crawl on ground feeding
Take courage in independence like the trees stand-alone
Treasure the caring as mothers secure and protect their own
Be grateful for the freedom as the eagle soars high in the sky
Echo to miles beneath the earth and bottom of the sea!
Miriam Hurdle
© 2017.03.13