Mitchell Cresswell

Mitchell Cresswell Poems

she was a little girl so precious and bright
nowhere for her to turn to see the light
she has been through troubles
that noone could possibly understand

The Best Poem Of Mitchell Cresswell

The Day Will Come

she was a little girl so precious and bright
nowhere for her to turn to see the light
she has been through troubles
that noone could possibly understand
all she wanted was for someone to hold out there hand
years and years of sadness laid upon her heart
all she could do was just fall apart
moving and moving from one place to another
until one day they met eachother
a boy that promises forever his love
he felt like she was an angel from heaven above
she explained her life to him with all its twist and turns
she said her heart was on fire it just so badly burns
for the love of someone who will never leave her
this boy looked into her eyes and promised her
that he will love her forever and ever
one day she told she had to move away
and he said no matter what he was here to stay
to never let anything bad happen again
he promised to come to her it was just a matter of when
the day she left put a hole in his heart
it was the distance that left them so far apart
but he promised her everday that he would never give up
the love he had for her was way to strong
to leave her alone for all that long
he worked and he worked for months and months
to buy that plain ticket to get to his love
day after day month after month it was finally the day
to go to her and forever stay
the plain arived at the place
and he walked into the room and saw her face
it was the best day they had in quite some time
they finally were together and could both say be mine
the years went by and by
and they never ever had to say goodbye
they spent days together
they simply loved eachother
after awhile the day finally came
he proposed to her and she took his last name
and after the wedding he looked in her eyes
and promised her under the night sky
that the past is gone nothing else matters
nothing will hurt you ever again
nothing again like what happened then
and he loved her for the rest of his life
he was so happy to call her his wife
and forever they loved and stayed together
nothing could tear them apart EVER

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