Mlungisi gumede

Mlungisi gumede Poems

Dear Mom,
You are my dearest Mom,
You mean the rest to me,
To me you mean everything,

NGALE nkondlo khondloza mbongi
Ubhodle, ubhonge emswaneni
Kwebasefini lok'felwa, ufehle
Ezimbi lok'felwa.

Mlungisi gumede Biography

IAM a young man who grew up in rural areas like mfingose. I grew up with my mother and latter I went to live with my grandparents just to take care of there cattle. Then latter in 2016 I returned back home to live with my family. I completed my matric in the year 2016. I wrote several poem just to find joy and to heal people through poetry. I'm willing to grew up more in poetry and I also need someone who will guide me on how to become successful poet. IAM currently studying at the University of zululand bachelor of education (Bed) .)

The Best Poem Of Mlungisi gumede

A Letter

Dear Mom,
You are my dearest Mom,
You mean the rest to me,
To me you mean everything,
You are whatever thing
That will last forever,
You like blanket to me,
Blanket that comforts me
In summer, winter and every time,
You used to call me Granny,
I wish you could be that Granny,
Ohh Dearth you such a disgrace to me,
How could you let my mom live a life alone?
But you're not alone cause you're a loon.

Mludapoet Gumede

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