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زتة مسبح فارس

كان ياما كان كان هناك و امام مسبح فارس زتة صخرية كان يزت منها السباحون المحترفون الى البحر ليظهروا مواهبهم الدفينة الزتية امام الجميع و ليست بعيدة من مسبح فارس و مطعم

A Cruel Outcry

I am alone, In a tent, In a cruel world That can not protect me From the hard time I got Being in a tent Suffering from all kinds Of human pains. What did I

النجاح جميل و لكنه ليس بدون مقابل فمن طلب العلا سهر الليالي و النجاح عن جدارة له طعم مختلف و الدراسة تحتاج الى جهد كبير و خصوصا لطالب او طالبة على قدر من الذكاء و الدراسة تبدأ من اول لحظة يضع الطالب فيها فكرة الدرس في

My Tent Is The Symbol Of My Inevitable End

I did not come by my will, but
My tired feet brought me into my kingdom,
I did not come by my desire, but

You Are With Whom You Love In Truth

If you love God in truth, then you are with Him,
If you love a dear one, then you are with that one,

The Pretty Adjectives Of A Love

She is beautiful and
That means she has beauty,
She is sublime and
That means she has sublimity,

The Pretty Morning Moments

بركان الحب الجميل

الحب بركان جميل فهو عندما يثور فأنه سيلقي بحمم حبه على من يحب بلا هوادة و لا رحمة حتى يجمع قلبين بذلك الحب المتأجج بنيرانه و حممه و يظل

Elias Saleh, The Great Man Of His Time

He was a great man of his time Like a new born planet, He loved his great city like A lover who loved his love, He gave his pretty city all that Deserved it and all that respected it, He was a man who wrote all that glorified And crowned his great city and its history, He was a great historian and great

The Great Man Of His Time, Elias Saleh

He was a great man of his time Like a new born planet, He loved his great city like A lover who loved his love, He gave his pretty city all that Deserved it and all that respected it, He was a man who wrote all that glorified And crowned his great city and its history, He was a great historian and great

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