Mohammad Younus Poems

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Mystic.Beauty Shrouded In Clouds

Mystic beauty
Shrouded in clouds
Human eyes may not reach there,
Glittering upon heavenly spheres,

I Am Staying In The Shadows

I am staying in the shadows,
Waiting for a glimpse of him,
Whom I can never ever forget about,
My joy depends on his turning around,

I Regard Life Is A Steep Hill

I regard life is a steep hill...
...upon which the people climb...
...toward the unreachable peak...
...the goal of life!

Mellow Music

In the high and low notes of the soul
There is a deep mysterious tone,
That gives the listener ecstasy infinite
As the Arab racer needs a whip naught

God And I Are two Very Old Enemies

God and I are two very old enemies...
Since the day He expelled me and my mate, Eve...
From His Garden of eternity;
He sends His emissaries from time to time...

Last Nightingale

The trees are stripped naked
The flowers have paled down
The singing birds have vanished
Now the last nghtingale remains

The Blackstone Grafted

The Blackstone grafted,
In the wall of Sacred Kaaba
We don't worship it,
It is just a stone -

I Wanted To Read

I wanted to read
The book of my life
But found to my utter surprise
Its first and last pages torn off


Many a man
in the cloak
of hypocrisy,

Parrot, Bear This Message

Parrot, bear this message,
To my beloved, beyond my sight,
I live here to love you,
From behind the clouds,

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