Mohammad Younus

Mohammad Younus Poems

I went to take a stroll in the Garden of Love to-day -
My Love's singing birds came to sing for me...
...under the cool shade of chinār-tree,
And swarms of honey-bees flitted across the garden,

I am a Kashmiri, I, too, am a human being,
Day and night I hear the shrieks of mothers,
Moaning and mourning over their slain children,
Shouldering the coffins of near and dear,

Beloved, your music pops up...
...from my heart's deep,
How can my face conceal... heavenly ecstasy,

Who am I?
Every hour I create my new identity,
Every hour a mysterious hand moves,
With a compass on my point,

When I hear any one speaking about me
It surprises my ear, my heart, and my mind
How can he know me when I don't know myself
You can see my outer self,

Speaking To My Self

So Silent! So still an ocean!
Listening to mystic lore

Once upon a time, o my sons and daughters, listen!
You must always listen!
People would with wide open heart and eyes welcome
But, now, with ice-frozen eyes they look at us and fear our shadows

Winter is coming; I can hear from the autumn breeze;
Leaves are changing colors to red and gold...
...and are falling off the trees;
People are shopping warm sweaters, blankets, and winter quilts...

Listening to music that falls like rains,
Growing love, producing ecstasy,
I'm feeling peace in my soul and heart!
It lifts me up from the lowest of low!

Where's the cure to one's heartaches, ...
...for one battered by sorrows?
Who's there to comfort him and to...
...shower love on him?

Large and black eyes,
His eyelashes were long,
His face was somewhat circular,
His hands and feet were rather large,


Everything on earth is good —=
God didn't create anything bad,

I am within but nobody sees me,
I speak but nobody can hear me,
I live in confinement inside,
In a solitary cell, with no one around,

Looking down...
...from the top of a precipice,
Deep down...
...into the dark valley below,

Love has overtaken me,
To me this is no surprise,
It was my perennial desire;
She makes me strong;

I am not alone in my loneliness,
Because your thought walks with me,
I walk around through the labyrinths of my heart,
Looking for you, though with no image in my head,

Blessed I am!
Blessed is my soul!
Blessed is the day when I was

Through every pore, from top to toes
Musical streams flow out from me
Like the sweet melody, of a nightingale
His mystic flute resonates with me;

While going down the history pages...
...I find some invaders stitching together...
...the fragments of this vast piece of land...
...having no name;

See the Real in your inner self,
Know that actually you are He,
You are the Universal Nut- -
Shell, kernel, and its core,

The Best Poem Of Mohammad Younus

In The Garden Of Love

I went to take a stroll in the Garden of Love to-day -
My Love's singing birds came to sing for me...
...under the cool shade of chinār-tree,
And swarms of honey-bees flitted across the garden,
As all the flowers were calling them...
...for taking nectar from their cups,
And the fragrant breeze went singing over the garden,
Tossing the flowers to and fro...
... making them send out fragrance more and more,
And a rainbow held out its shining sword over my head...
...admonishing me to listen to the divine music attentively.


Mohammad Younus Comments

Darlan M Cunha 04 June 2021

Thank you very much for 'following' my Page.

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Darlan M Cunha 04 June 2021

'Why should they took at me to deliver me from pain? '

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Donald R Wolff JR 05 March 2021

I like reading about peace of soul. Great job and nice thoughts.

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please send me your own words poem through in send message in form of poem

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Great poet my favorite but not in list, new poems poet ever writing new poem and three top new poem his poem one of them

1 1 Reply

Mohammad Younus Quotes

The strongest deterrent against oppression is resistance

Each ray of false hope weaves a maze

Who will stop flowers from blooming in their appointed season even when the sky is raining blood

When all the world will be in war Honey bee will still be dancing

If you love somebody, let you not test them: if they return your love, rejoice; but if they don't, do not be dejected.

أزِک بھأرتی چھِ تے کورون ھندِ کھوتے رام لکشمن کجا مار مأری چھے سیٹھأ

True knowledge from God is gained when the lover speaks to God through secret communion with Him

Learn to be positive For every sunset is followed by sunrise

After every confusion, there is fusion, After every delusion, there is awareness

Judges are not sages, that they will never turn fools

Others call you God I call you Love Even in your wrath, I see your love

Love, I rest my weary soul in you; I give you back the life I owe you

Although it is terribly dark inside my closet the moonlight also peeps through the skylight of this mud hut.

Nazibhakts shall take India back to prehistoric age when they fought with each other at Kurukshetra.

Confession is the best of worship

Waiting still! God in the Heaven! I am busy!

A caller does not stop calling when the dogs start barking at his call

Moon does not stop shining when the dogs start barking at it

Social distancing has turned me into a pitiable recluse.

A Brave-heart is often forgiving. Let 'forget and forgive' be our policy.

لا رايت الالجمال I see nothing but beauty

Be not a tongue, Before your teacher, Be just an ear, Be not repulsive, Be receptive, If you desire to be, A real seeker of truth

When the self boasts, and rejects all things, it is called delusion; When the self enlightens and confirms all things have the same essence, it is called awareness.

Distancing pepper seeds might make them sweet; Keeping sugarcubes close to close might make them bitter

Do not waste your time searching fishbones in other person's beard. Find one in your own.

Do not waste your time searching fishbones in other person's beard. Find one in your own.

Unless the nib of a pen is split into two, it cannot become the tongue of the writer.

How canst we survive, If we smile not

Coronavirus can contact anyone Good or evil Chinese or non Chinese Totally indiscriminate You treat it as you treat other diseases

Life is like an old manuscript whose first and last pages are lost

I and me alone, Mad world locked down, Peace and love reigns In my quarantine

The light of a candle diffuses, Through the prism-chandeliers, Creates a galaxy of candles, One manifests as many, Diffusion>confusion> fusion.

Both things are necessary: How you earn your money? And how you spend it? Do you feel some social responsibility

Faqirs are not after material things.They haven't anything that a thief can steal from them. Of course, they have got the pearls of wisdom - immense treasure - that God bestows upon them. No thief can break open that treasure. They are most generous - they give away these pearls to those who need - who know that the pearls with the faqir are most precious.

How canst we survive, If we smile not

Faqirs are not after material things.They haven't anything that a thief can steal from them. Of course, they have got the pearls of wisdom - immense treasure - that God bestows upon them. No thief can break open that treasure. They are most generous - they give away these pearls to those who need - who know that the pearls with the faqir are most precious. Mykoul

I see many a Moses who can't keep company with Khidre when he passes by them.

No interlocuter between me and my lord Beauty of Islam as I understand

When you see a white crow flocking with black pigeons, it is an example of treason and betrayal

Pigeons and crows never flock together

If you see a person saying, 'I saw a white crow flying with a flock of black pigeons', you need to do social distancing

If we call a black man a white man, it is still a racist remark

There is only one terrorism: State terrorism Don't label it as Hindu terrorism, Buddhist terrorism, Islamic terrorism....

All the secret agencies run by the responsible states across the world have single point agenda: to create terrorists

A person's finger touch on the screen of his smartphone can give you feel of his mindset

Don't ascribe a terror act to a religion Do you think that atheists can't be terrorists? What a naive thinking

Killers belong to Satan. They don't belong to Allah as they don't follow his religion. Hell with terrorists and those who manage and finance them.

Azzan to avert the epidemic simply foolish. It is to be given only for calling the people to sallah. Don't be superstitious. Otherwise, you will be consumed by the plague.

Psychologists advised the people to blow off frustration through drum beating and dancing, while the spiritualists advised the people to reverberate their heart and soul with the melodious voice of azān. But, remember, the pandemic or even a simple disease cannot be averted by giving Azān on housetops or minarets.

All Terrorists are brothers

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