Mohammad Younus Poems

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O Inquisitive Heart! Do You Look For My Friend's Abode?

O Inquisitive Heart! Do you look for my Friend's abode?
Do you know not he is everywhere?
Wherever you turn to, He is there;
Deep in the sea of darkness, there lies the Light-bearer...

The Speech Divine

As the breeze of the sounding word grasped my heart... mad heart got filled with mirth and peace;
The magic music is the very reminder of my covenant with my lord;
Yet, this covenant has been out of my mind in careless fashion;

Musical Water Of Al-Kawthar

Friends, when you hear the people of Love speak...
...there's no blame on you...
...if you do not grasp what they speak;
They do not your language speak;

You Do Not Forsake Me

Beloved, I hear your word always!
Your sweet melodious notes wake up my sleeping soul;
My love, I see your extensive beauty...
...even in what ignorant deem imperfect to be;

In The Prayer House Of My Heart

Praise be to Allah! My heart is open for me,
For I wish the prayer-house open to be.
I listen to the qirat of Imam;
The sweet qirat inspires me to muse about the true word

The Only Wealth I Seek

My master gave me a golden piece of advice;
Listen, listening is better than speaking empty words;
Listen to the golden words...
...that the accomplished masters offer you free!

Melodious Bird

Like a scared deer, I run wild as I fear...
...lest I should lose my divine vow:
The wondered faqir seeks with all his heart... fulfil the ancient vow with his Lord;

The World Of Hate

You who grieve, who suffer the world's brutalities,
The tears rolling down your cheeks I see,
Why do you hide your tears from me?
This world is the home of grief;

The Divine Teacher

The divine teacher gives a speech clear;
As moonlight it is to the traveller...
...walking through the Arabian desert at night;
I worked tirelessly to find this divine teacher...

Know The Oneness

To all directions I turned my face;
In every mirror, I saw my beloved's face;
Uncountable are the rays reaching to the point;
But, the ray standing perpendicular to the base is...

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