Mohammed Bouguelaa

Mohammed Bouguelaa Poems

once in an midnight,
on which my bed was alight
sparkling, shining like the light
and all the chamber was so bright

The Best Poem Of Mohammed Bouguelaa

The Leaving Soul

once in an midnight,
on which my bed was alight
sparkling, shining like the light
and all the chamber was so bright
but I was sure, I shut the lamplight
I felt my self so soft so light
not as usual
but this night wasn't right

I sow a body lied in my bed
I wondered so much,
Who is in red

I, then went to mother
Who was with father
napping together with no scatter

I put my hand upon her shoulder
Trying to wake her, without a scare

O Mother! Who is there?
O Mother! Are you aware?

She didn't wakeup until I left her
Lighting the room, being(scare) aware
My father asked her,
What happens there?

She said as usual
but this one was cruel

I had a nightmare,
my son wasn't here

I said O Mother!
No! I am just here
My Mother! Look at me,
My mother! hold me,

O Mother! O Mother!

I loudly asked her,
But no answers, scared me
And Feeling ignored, frightened me

Why don't you listen to me?
Or maybe don't hear me?
Please tell me what happens to me?
Why don't you answer me? ...

Walking so rapidly forcing the door
But I was sure, it was secure
How did I get out of here?
No answer was there..

What is going on?
What is going on?
screaming so strongly

It was as usual
But not this night
She had to answer me
but not this night

Bent over the bed
Shacked the stranger's head,
saying my name with dread
Wake up my son, don't play the dead

Silence, quite! ! ! !
Then suddenly with a terrible cry
Mother said:
He is dead, he is dead! ! !

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