Mohan Gnanaraj

Mohan Gnanaraj Poems

Walking along the road in woods,
tried to think about someone in my heart,
as I hardly found anyone there,
wandered to taste the essence of love,

The Best Poem Of Mohan Gnanaraj

Love In Vain N Vein.

Walking along the road in woods,
tried to think about someone in my heart,
as I hardly found anyone there,
wandered to taste the essence of love,
with a great longing for my unknown beloved.
Having heard a smile, eternal of its kind,
sweet fragrance, my nose had ever known,
my foots failed to take a step.
Guided by them, I went closer,
divinely gifted were my eyes, they saw her.
I wished I'd talked a lot, but commenced only then.
Started with ‘hello', continued with ‘dear',
hearts shared a lot and words found no diction.

Walked for hours, yet
the tree we stood beside was at a step behind.
Flowers were spread, tender herbs waved,
as if welcoming us for a new world.
A voice came saying, " I'm there for you",
hardly I gave my ears to it.
She lead me and her words drugged me.
Flowers transcended, and the herbs felt us.
She hiccupped, I ran to the river.
She was hungry, I ran for food, while
my hunger shed tears, yet it was sweet.
Again the voice came saying, " I'm there for you",
still then I was deaf to it.

About to convey my heart,
my tongue didn't help me, it slipped.
Been killed by dilemma, proposed amidst of great panic.
The reply came, She'd already given her to me.
I tasted the bliss, shouted to the sky and
to the horizon. Everything was beautiful,
as though it was not before.
Walked on my shadow, sometimes on my legs,
ate with my hands, slept on my lap, she lived in me.
Our journey continued with curved mouths,
while the eyes replaced them.
Again the voice came saying, " I'm there for you",
eventhen I didn't mind it.

Days passed and life went as it was.
Having read me a lot, wanted to know something new,
she enjoyed everything other than me.
Came across a person on the way,
as been impressed, she made him friend.
Every time she opened her mouth,
I saw her with a great eager, oh! Its for him.
Even then she talked to me, but in his absence.
Still I'd nothing harsh for her,
for the only cause that she shouldn't be hurt.
I slipped and kissed the road,
waiting for her hands, but in vain.
Like a rainbow she came, remained and vanished.

Felt like dying,
blood painted me and foot turned black.
Been filled with miseries, I was walking for nothing,
even the sun delayed to set.
Read about ‘End ofDays', but felt only then.
Steps had become steeper and
my legs were too heavy to step down.
Having walked long, I turned back,
there were burningflakes for flowers,
thorny bushes for tender herbs and no steps on the way.
Again the voice came saying, "I'm there for you",
I could recognize it then,
it's from my mom, hastening towards me to hug.

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