Ms. JStar

Ms. JStar Poems


I refuse to be number two
No matter how much I love you

Even though I know your heart belongs to me

The beauty of a woman
Is not determined by a man
Her beauty can be found in her grace
Not just the beauty of her face

Sitting there watching the sky
Watching the clouds pass me by
The sky is a deep blue
You can get lost in the clouds for a few

Keep your head up
Don’t let the circumstances bring you down
Even though the problems continue to mound, and don’t seem as if they will let up
Stop focusing on what is around

You are wonderful in every way
You truly know how to make my day
You are an amazing man
Beside you is where I will always stand

No one can see me crying
Within I feel like I am dying

No one can hear my silent cries

Fresh hair cut and color; make up looking fierce
Eyes deep enough to pierce

My fresh black pumps with the newly manicured toes out

I wish you were all mine to claim
What is it that you share with her that you don’t with me
I have given you my soul and everything that goes along with it
But still it doesn’t seem to be enough

Intrigued by the depths of you
Got me wondering if I should pursue

Curiosity is getting the best of me

The sound of your voice sends chills up my spine
These feelings inside love defines

Your touch is always a comforting guide

Everytime you walk into a room, I feel you
I feel the strength of our hearts pursuit

When I close my eyes, you are on my mind

My mouth is dry but I cannot quench my thirst
In a pool of thoughtlessness I am immersed

The world is going on around me

Again you made love to me and made my heart skip a beat
With your love felt inside no other man could ever compete

All the love you continue to demonstrate I happily reap

Your looks…
You are lookin soo damn fine
Too many thoughts runnin through my mind
You are the sexiest man I have ever seen

Do you really know me the way you think you do
I don’t think so
Because if you did then your perceptions of me would be more accurate
Instead of being so off base as they are

Nothing is as it seems
What happened to our plans and dreams

Were they all just a front

He treated me like sh! @,
But I loved him anyways
Convincing me of change,
Begging me to stay

With you my thirst is quenched
My heart is replenished

My soul is refreshed

I wish for you the utmost happiness
Mind clear and heart free of emptiness

If anyone else cannot see, I can

The memories we have made remain within
Our love never had a chance to truly begin

You belong to her, and could never be mine

Ms. JStar Biography

Jennifer Wilmer is a single mother who was raised in Temple Hills, Maryland. Though she has lived in different areas along the east coast, Jennifer has found her way back to Maryland. As you will see, Jennifer writes under the penname of JStar, a nickname given to her by a dear friend that has remained with her for decades. As a mother of two beautiful daughters, she absolutely adores spending as much time with them as possible and her main focus in life is guiding them into adulthood the best way that she can. Jennifer strives to demonstrate to them the unconditional love that this world doesn’t always provide while expanding her professional writing career to depths never before dreamed of. JStar has been writing ever since she can remember; first by journaling daily and eventually branching into writing songs and short stories. It wasn’t until later, out of admiration of her mother’s poetry and how beautifully her words formed, that she began writing poetry of her own. Writing allows her to express inner feelings that she would normally keep to herself. Her emotions flow onto paper. It is a place where she can be honest, blunt, and raw with words. Expression through words is not an option for her; it's something that flows naturally through her veins like words contained on the edge of her tongue that just have to be spoken. For her entire life these words were kept private, now she has been brave enough to share her heart with the world. To build her nerve up, she first started Open Mic sessions then blogging and now is pursuing professional publishing. Her purpose for writing is to share stories, in hopes of providing comfort in times of need as well as sharing her feelings on different types of love and life's happenings. “Thoughts continuously flowing in my head pouring out of my soul like sweet sugar coating my words” JStar)

The Best Poem Of Ms. JStar


I refuse to be number two
No matter how much I love you

Even though I know your heart belongs to me
That I clearly see
But your obligations to her take precedence over me

Until our love can be shared openly
We cannot be

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