Mubarak Salisu

Mubarak Salisu Poems

Rumbles of a mad man

Can only be understood by another

Its the wee hours
Sleep chose not to come early
Time to have a drink with nature

The Best Poem Of Mubarak Salisu

In Sane

Rumbles of a mad man

Can only be understood by another

Crumbs of a loaf

The world is tearing apart

Humans killing humans

Humans are now carnivores

Chewing off each other's flesh as a meal

Homosexuals on rampage

Men sleeping with men

Female superiority clamours

Religious leaders justify sins

Governments run on lies

Life mates being picked

By how chiseled you look

Not by ambition

Family has no value

Every relationship is a business

Deception is the order of the day

Betrayal is a norm

Loyalty is expensive

Even the rich can't afford

Money changes everything

Even identities

Bi-polar people

Animals are the new humans

What is the world turning to?

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