Mudasir Firdosi

Mudasir Firdosi Poems

A little bird sang to the stars
lullabies of your serene grace
of sweet waters in your streams
and scented breeze of pastures.


Tonight like any other night
Desolate thoughts
Deserted paths
Wandering the alleyways

Dead living
Living dead
Living with dead

Now that we have annexed your home
What about a swimming pool
Or a big kitchen
A home theatre

I shall gather a few of my kind
and tour the new era penitentiary,
Where millions are breathing in an open cage
wondering what happened to open skies.


Pain to be documented

for the sake of civilization.

They tell me it is your country, but
prove your love to keep the peace,
gift the land to us to please,
and obey the majority or cease.

Hundred days I endured the siege,
tell my besieger if you need a break
It must be wearying to be in your place,
don't you worry I am here to stand.

The Best Poem Of Mudasir Firdosi


A little bird sang to the stars
lullabies of your serene grace
of sweet waters in your streams
and scented breeze of pastures.
Unaware of the vicious clouds
darkening the frontier,
Autumn overtook the summer soon.
Why should winter wait for long?
Snow covered leafy trunks,
unable to endure the burden of the fall.
Her fragile nest broke off sudden
throwing the hatchlings across the wall.
Heaven turned upside down,
with rugged winds in command
Bulbul is eager to welcome Katij
Spring shall come to free you soon.

KatiJ- Kashmiri name for The Swallow

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