Muhammad Shanazar Poems

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Heart And Essence

Magnificent among all creatures,
Unique in matchless character,
Humbleness clad in human form,
Admired, praised by God Himself,


The Boundless Ocean of Brilliance
That lends the stars dazzling light
Whom obey flakes of the watery clouds,
Riding on the back of moving wind.


The Sacred Message from the Source,
Impinging upon the minds,
Sensitive, clear and delicate,
Transmitted into the lucid lines,

The Open Eyes

How often a thought of unfair deeds,
Terribly haunt my vain guilty mind,
Shaking inner self, core of conscience,
The wanton pleasures of indelible past,

I Shall Keep Crying

O! Heedless Generals of the parading troops,
Overloaded with the warring martial contents,
I shall keep crying aloud, at the top of my voice,
Though my tongue is plucked out of the roots.

I Am Bent Upon

I have cherished a desire for long,
I have cherished a desire for long,
To gift you the gift, the precious one,
More precious than rubies and sapphires

Without You

I without you am incomplete
Just like a half said couplet
A half writ poem
A lonely cloud

A New Message

Let us remove together
The dividing lines of race and colours,
And wherever is the fire of odium,
Let us extinguish it together,

The Funeral Hasn’t Yet Been Shouldered

(A Poem For Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto)

The Wind is shut
Behind the windows,

O! Farzana

O! Farzana: the daughter of Eve,
You were alone to be stoned,
The stoners were twenty five,
They held in their hands the pieces of bricks,

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