Muhammad Shanazar Poems

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A Refugee's Monologue

We were a family that lived in the valley,
Amid the houses wrapped in peace and serenity,
Whose structures took bath at every night,
In the glow of moon and stars, contentment overflowed

The Divine Message

(An experience that I went through when
I was only five years old)

All around, everywhere, yellow, yellow, yellow,

On Playing With Sand

An amendment was made,
Men and women danced,
Goblets stroke in the hall,

No Shade In The Scorching Sun

Now the time has encroached,
To settle down affairs of the game,
To depart from here.
Time dawdles with a snake

In The Memory Of 23rd March 1940

Let us remember greatness,
Of those moments,
When we had in a glace
The tidings of brilliant future,

Peace Will Be On The Earth

When wars launched for peace,
Will finish by consuming their ferocity,
And they will eliminate,
The signs of life on the Earth,


Amid the village is a deserted house,
That gives depressing impressions to the onlookers,
The windows and doors are shabby broken
There dangle bats on the walls at nights, and crows caw

Tend Your Lad

Tend your lad with kindness and love,
For he is as innocent as a turtle dove,
Afford him toys though he does break,
But keep bottles, blades high or above.

Kanti Ma Ma

When I beheld you for the first time,
You face looked a piece of poesy;
Today after years I see the same poem,
But meaning of the poem,

Bland Winds Blow And Beep

The trees vacillate,
Eyes are bent not to sleep,
Bland winds blow and beep.

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