Mumu Da Poet Poems

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On My Gloomy Days

On my gloomy days

When my soul had, endured it all.
I sit beneath the essence of nature, curve along with the rivers of my village.



A needle with a thread,
Stitching my heart particles into one again,

I Miss You

millions of fights I've recorded with you,
Deep bruises that still bleeds even today,
Echoes of harmful words that corroded my sensitivity,
Cold nights, with rough blowing tongues,

It Will End In Tears

we both know that this will end,
We are both certain that we would never last,
No matter how much flames, we have for each,
But this, will never last,

Let Me

Let the rivers laugh, as we cohabit underit's influence,
Let the stars rain light as we wander in the dark,
Let the leaves store our struggles so they could perish in winter,
Let the enchanting roads share testimonies of my sweat,

My Lover

my dreams bring your face closer to the heart of my palms.

When the moon whispered to the stars, I knew that love was born from my heart.

It Wasn't

The lips were intimately before we kiss,
With all the French kisses all over,
Her breast kept on inviting my hands,
Her curvy body drowned my thoughts deeper in the sheets on love.

Floating Memory

Today the radio played our song,
Through this long distance and cold depth of space between us,
I was forced to remember you,
I looked next to the side of my bed where you used to lay,

Morning Love

When the night becomes a choir of sad songs,
When the chirping voices of birds are no-more,
Only trials of siren laughters,
That bims next door.

It's You I Swear

When I met you,
I had a conversation with my backbone.
Pinky swear, told the leaves not to tell,
The sun to memorize that day,

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