Musa Ndhlovu

Musa Ndhlovu Poems

Let me end this,
It is not what I had in mind.
End it? Not like this
But how can I use my mind?

Hear me call
Go not outside looking for me,
Deep deep as a well
In thy heart I stand I say.

I miss that part,
The very same part
That came every night before I sleep.
It happened before you sleep.

The Moment I never had,
Is the one that kept running
In our minds; the one we once
Hoped for. I somehow thought

From a Zulu name 'Buyisile'
Meaning 'Brought Back'

With no hope in me

The sun rises once again
A awakening me from the clam of night before
Where I could hear nothing but the sound of silence
Where I could feel nothing but the breath of my soul

My land Africa.
My home Africa.
My place of birth Africa.
Loved by A, Amateur, Against and Anger are the south Africans.

Come my love, come. I am
Calling you to come. I am
Willing to show you my love
Tonight, come I say. Remove

Yohhh MaAfrica, kwendzekani kilei lizwe lakithi.
Abantu sebabizana ngama gama akhubayo, kuhlupheka abasebenzayo.
Even though you are discriminated
You can still be who you want to be.

What is that over there?
It is so light in
Complexion. Even in

Part 1

It's likable and very interesting
And because it's your name

One saw ye behind my beck
Loved ye from the distence.
One knew ye got my beck
Smelled ye from the distence.

The sound was loud.
I did nothing for it was loud.
Wait... I thought I heard something,
I turned around and I saw something

Yes, you are an icon,
That is being used by everyone.
They rely on you
Some want to be you.

Is what I dedicate to you.
Without my voice to say,
I take a pen and a paper to say.

Who keeps me smiling
Every time when I am feeling down,
Who pushes me

The look I see
Is the look I feel,
The touch I feel
Is the touch I see.

I have been hurt
Once and i cried
Myself out.
She has been hurt

There it goes again
The very same feeling again.
After a long time
From a long brown line.

We played music,
Our voices where music.
My hands on her;
Close enough to smell her.

Musa Ndhlovu Biography

He express his own feeling by writing them down in a form of a poem to shear them with other people. You might find them touching, but he find it relieving to write them down. He is not perfect but he strive to be the best. He was not born this way, JESUS CHRIST changed his life. Mr. Musa Ndhlovu was born on the 4th of April 1994 at a clinic of Watervaal far outside of Siyabuswa in Mpumalanga. He was raised by his mother and father with the help of his grandmother from his father's side. Somewhere between the year 2000 and 2003 his grandmother on his father's side passed away. He started school at the age of 7 at Oost' Eend Primary school in Pretoria 2001.2002 he changed school and went to Further Achieves Academy in Middleburg. On the same year, his parents divorced and lived with his mother, from 2003 - 2005, he went to another school in Middleburg Combined School. Early 2006 his mother passed away and he was forced to change location and school; he went to live with his grandmother on his mother's side in a village called Wolwekraal outside of Siyabuswa in Mpumalanga. 2006 - 2007 he went to school at Bekezela Primary School. As he went to high school, he changed schools and went to Slindile Secondary School in 2008 - 2010. He was successfully able to complete his Education at Kwandebele Science School in Gaphahla next to Siyabuswa 2011 - 2014 at the age of 20. Living with his aunt who was a domestic worker. As a young man, he once got himself in a multiple relationship of three. However, there was one lady who loved him more than the others girls did. She was the first lady he proposed amongst the other two. His time with her was small and it was worth it. As a teenager, he had dreams and wishes, most of his dreams was about his family that was promised to him by God Almighty. At some period, he thought of being honest to himself as well as to the one he love the most amongst the three. But than for him to see who loved him most, he was to brake up with them all. He started by brake up with the one who loved him most. Then the one who was not even sure who and how he was and ended up with the one who he spent more time with. The ending of his relationships with them all made him to realize that the one who he spent most time with got over him so fast. Then the one who did not know him well enough as a lover wanted to fix things with him but she gave up on him. But then, after fourteen days; the one who loved him more than the other two was able to show him that she love him and her life was not going to be normal with out him. Mr. Musa Ndhlovu came to his sense and started to be honest with her. They bonded together and sheared many things together. They both decided to get married and live happily together. From there on, days went by and he went back to the lady he promised he would on the poem ' LEAVING YOU WAS NOT EASY '. The lady however broke up with him. Through the pain and sorrows Mr Musa Ndhlovu went through, he somehow thought to himself that he will not date anymore. At the age of nineteen, he somehow got engaged to a lady who mourned his love; the poem ‘MOURNING THE UNBOUND LOVE’ tells us so. They fell in love just as Mr Musa Ndhlovu on the poem ‘WE FELL’ says. The love he had for her was beyond the lady’s mind. Mr M Ndhlovu wrote poems like ‘MY HOT WOMAN, COME MY LOVE COME, AFTER MEETING, FROM STRANGERS TO LOVERS, AM I LOSING YOU, MY SOURCE OF HAPPINESS and WHERE DID IT ALL GO’ dedicating them to her. The teenage lady however, one of the bad days, she came to him brave enough and told him that she is in love with the man she was in love with before she fell in love with him… By than, Mr Musa Ndhlovu was doing Grade Twelve: as a fast thinker, he believed the proverb that said, “THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A LOVE OF YOUR LIFE AND A SOUL MATE IS THAT THE OTHER ONE IS A CHOICE”. On the year 2011 he mat Miss Buyisile Beauty Msiza who was like his biological baby sister in a noisy classroom full of learners. Mr Musa Ndhlovu told himself that he has to make himself related to the lady, however by than Mr Musa Ndhlovu was Seventeen years old. Instead of proposing Miss Buyisile Beauty Msiza who was Thirteen years old that year, he asked her to be his sister for she reminded him of his biological baby sister. The young lady had a nerve to hate him just because of her own reasons which Mr Musa Ndhlovu himself knows not. The next year after that, which was 2012 the Miss Buyisile Beauty Msiza gave in. They became like siblings without their parents knowing. As they spent time together, love grew in them so strong in a sense that, Mr M Ndhlovu would say something before the young lady would say it. On the contrary, the young lady would spot sadness and pain in Mr Musa Ndhlovu before he could even speak of it. (They were one in short.) Intimacy, passion, and commitment love grew strong in them. (From here we see how friends became lovers) They were both in love unnoticed. Come 2013, the Miss Buyisile Beauty Msiza was forced to relocate, move from KwaMhalanga to Witbank. These are two different places in Mpumalanga. Mr M Ndhlovu's life was messed up after she left. And from the young lady's side, her life was a mess too. Their communication along the year had some break up. By then, it was as if there was a force preventing Mr Musa Ndhlovu from communicating with Miss Buyisile Beauty Msiza who once hated him. Late 2013 they were both indirectly given even chances to see how life would be without each other. Pain and sorrows came their way frequently on the year of 2013. We know this form the poem, ‘THE ROAD FROM NINETEEN TO TWENTY’. On the year 2014, their communication was build. The baby sister of Miss Buyisile Beauty Msiza was kind enough to allow Miss Buyisile Beauty Msiza to use her phone ever since she had no phone that year. They spoke after a long time and Mr Musa Ndhlovu was Twenty years old and the Miss Buyisile Beauty Msiza was Sixteen years old. From what they had learned from the past. The truth was finally exposed. Miss Buyisile Beauty Msiza told Mr Musa Ndhlovu that when he is done wasting his time with the other ladies he was dating, he should know that she is waiting for him. Mr Musa Ndhlovu wrote the poem, ‘FINALLY’. The poem tells us that Mr Musa Ndhlovu, all along had a clue that the right lady for him is the one who he met 2011 in a classroom that was full of noise. On the 22nd of March 2014, this two people flipped their siblings like relationship to lovers relationship. Mr Musa Ndhlovu was so happy and pleased. We get the lady’s description and character in his poem 'HER ATTRACTION'. He wrote many poems about her and to her which are, ‘BUYISILE, THEY CAME TO ME, ON THAT DAY, AS MUCH AS I HATE CONFIRMING and LOVE IS IN THE AIR'. The lady however knows how to play with words. She drafted, ‘KISS IN THE WIND’ and other poems that are not uploaded here about Mr Musa Ndhlovu. Today there is a long distance separating them, yet they are lovers now. Yes, Miss Buyisile Beauty Msiza started by being Mr Musa Ndhlovu's little sister and now they are lovers. They believe that it has been confirmed in the Heavens that they are to be together. They consider each other to be soul mates. At the age of Twenty, Mr Musa Ndhlovu already knew who was his soul mate. Currently Mr Musa Ndhlovu is still at school, Praising and Worshiping the LORD God Almighty. He is waiting for the right time to settle down. He want to do Psychology, but his gardens want him to do Construction Management. At this days of his life, Mr Musa Ndhlovu is a faithful servant of the LORD JESUS. He is an Assistant Pastor where he fellowships at Siyabuswa House Of Praise.)

The Best Poem Of Musa Ndhlovu

Let Me End This

Let me end this,
It is not what I had in mind.
End it? Not like this
But how can I use my mind?
I tried many ways making a way,
But still, it is not working anyway.
Why shouldn't I end this?
Why can't we both end this?
What is that left for you?
Move on, you have more than me.
They are better than me.
What is that left on me?
Move on, they have more than me.

Musa Ndhlovu Comments

Musa Ndhlovu 21 June 2014


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Musa Ndhlovu 21 June 2014


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Christopher Cariad 02 November 2013

Really great biography. I really enjoyed your poetry and look forward in your progression as a writer. Keep your pen strong and your voice of words steady to a greater path of words immortal.

2 0 Reply

Musa Ndhlovu Quotes

You know when you know what you know.

Its hard to forget something while you have its remaining with you.

If you don't understand my words, You will never understand my silence.

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