Mustafa Arar Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Blessed By The Passing Years

My darling
Where does your scent penetrate?
Maybe a wardrobe
the things you touch

My Hope For A Better Past

Now is the time
I promise myself with all my heart

I forgive myself!

So Many Loser Of This Love

Apparently a legendary love story
A breathtaking start
A heartbreaking ending
And hopeless lovers

Cloud Of Mist

-Dedicated to the novel 'Mist' by Miguel de Unamuno-

I read your manuscripts
that you're getting ready to kill me

Les Perdants De Cet Amour

Une histoire d'amour légendaire
Un début à couper le souffle
Une fin déchirante
Et les amants désespérés

Mon Espoir D'un Passé Meilleur

C'est le moment
Je promets maintenant
de tout mon cœur à moi

You're Afraid To Be Yourself

Believe me!
Making others dependent on yourself
Depriving others of their freedom
You are afraid of being abandoned

Tu As Peur D'être Toi-Même

Rendre les autres dépendants de toi
Priver les autres de leur liberté
Tu as peur d'être abandonné

Seeing Own Helplessness In Their Eyes

-In memory of those who lost their lives in the earthquakes in Turkey-

All of a sudden, as the ground cracked layer by layer
By releasing its clouds of light into the sky

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