Muzammil Ashraf

Muzammil Ashraf Poems

The Incarnate of Evil
The Maleficent, the unholy
Gluttony, Wrath and Sloth; the root of man's folly
Countless times branded as seductive and sinister

Solitude; absence of company
Labelled as introvert but turns out to be anxiety

Sacrifice; mistaken for generosity

Is the world Binary?
Like Zero and One
Something out of ordinary
Than Right versus Wrong

The Best Poem Of Muzammil Ashraf

The Devil

The Incarnate of Evil
The Maleficent, the unholy
Gluttony, Wrath and Sloth; the root of man's folly
Countless times branded as seductive and sinister
Foiling god's plan despite once hailed as a minister
Born of loyalty, angelic prowess
But why oh why would you defy and hiss
Being the devil is a loathsome existence indeed
Should you ever happen to meet the devil
Fare well, for it is capricious
Its existence is of solitude its intentions malicious
Oh to the devil whom men fail to comprehend
To you I offer my soul

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