Nabinchandra Sen

Rating: 3.33
Rating: 3.33

Nabinchandra Sen Biography

Nabinchandra Sen was a Bengali poet and writer. He was born in Noapara village in Chittagong, Bangladesh. Life Nabinchandra studied at Chittagong Collegiate School. He passed the Entrance examination (1863) from Chittagong School, FA (1865) from Presidency College in Calcutta and BA (1868) from General Assembly's School (now Scottish Church College) and joined the government service as a Deputy Magistrate. He taught briefly at Hare School in Kolkata before joining government service as deputy magistrate. He retired in 1904. He has been considered as one of Bengal's greatest writers and poets. Bibliography Nabinchandra started writing poems while still a student. His poems used to be published in the Education Gazette edited by Peary Charan Sarker. His first volume of poems was published in 1871. His poem Palashir Yuddha (Juddho), published in 1875, made him famous instantly. His other major publications are the epics Raivatak (1887), Kuruksetra (1893) and Prabhas (1896). The hero of these epics is krishna. Though best known as an epic poet in the tradition of michael madhusudan dutt, Nabinchandra wrote many remarkable lyric and narrative poems, marked by a sense of nationalism. Nabinchandra's other books include his autobiography Amar Jiban, and the biographies on Khrister Jibani (The Life of Christ) and Cleopatra. Though Amar Jiban (My Life) is an autobiography it reads like a novel. It also documents contemporary society, politics and administration. His other well known books include Bhanumati and Prabaser Patra. He also did a verse translation of the bhagavadgita and Chandi. His literary works were included in the curriculum of school level, secondary and higher secondary Bengali Literature in Bangladesh.)

Nabinchandra Sen Comments

Bijay 04 April 2020

Bus syllabus syllabus

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Sonam mishra 18 December 2018

Poem by Nabin chandra sen

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Swarup Bhattacharjee 14 December 2015

I am very much proud that I was born in Noapara, Chittagong now in Bangladesh]

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Swarup Bhattacharjee 14 December 2015

I am very nuch proud that I was also born in Noapara village, Chittagong, now in Bangladesh.Later I will submit some photograph of his village showing present condition of his village.

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Swarup Bhattacharjee 14 December 2015

I am very much proud that I was born in Noapara village in Chittagong now in Bangladesh.Later I will submit some photograph of his village showing present conditions of his beloved village.

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