Nakul N Murthy

Nakul N Murthy Poems

i was in need of help,
when she came,
she guided me,
through my problems

The best thing in world,
is the one that makes you happy,
the best thing in world is which,
you most like


As i set my eyes upon you,
i felt we were bonded,
it filled my heart,
and brought me joy

The breeze blows, as hard as it can,
The wind blows as soft as it can,
The grass rustle as slow as they can,
and the trees sway left and right,

When ever I see you
It fills my heart with joy
Whenever I talk to you
It makes me feel happy

forgiveness is the best thing,
when you hurt someone,
you ask for forgiveness,

The Best Poem Of Nakul N Murthy

The Sister I Never Had

i was in need of help,
when she came,
she guided me,
through my problems

i asked for help,
and she gave it to me,
without any hesitation,
or regret

i looked upto her when i had my problems,
and she gladly helped,
she was my friend

she was the sister i never had...............

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