Nathaniel Hawthorne Poems

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The Ocean

The ocean has its silent caves,
Deep, quiet and alone;
Though there be fury on the waves,
Beneath them there is none.

The Darken'D Veil

Oh, could I raise the darken'd veil
Which hides my future life from me,
Could unborn ages slowly sail
Before my view -- and could I see

Go To The Grave

Go to the grave where friends are laid,
And learn how quickly mortals fade,

Address To The Moon

How sweet the silver Moon's pale ray,
Falls trembling on the distant bay,
O'er which the breezes sigh no more,

Forms Of Heroes

Ye forms of Heroes slumb'ring here,
Beneath these tombstones cold and drear,
On which the moss of age has slept,

My Low And Humble Home

I left my low and humble home,
Far from my Father's fields to roam.
My peaceful cot no more had charms,
My only joy was War's alarms.

Earthly Pomp

Oh, earthly pomp is but a dream,
And like a meteor's short-lived gleam;
And all the sons of glory soon
Will rest beneath the mould'ring stone.

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