Naveed Akram Poems

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With Spindles

An extraordinary guy with spindles
Worked in the main way to be caught with flies,
They physically endowed him
The skeleton of a fly, the same man

Magic Within

The gurgling gypsies frolicked in the united hands of the sun,
Lacking a ladder of fortitude and lacking the rebuttals of modernity;
One hidden thrown object confronted the mass and entities,
One rock had provided a saturation and an indignant air so long for all.

Birth Of Death

The birth of the bishop was dying like the dye of red health,
His elements of fidelity struck us dimmer than news of mortuaries.
Embedded in the hearts of devolved spirits, one crane and one builder
Rectified the conditions of the many folded documents,

Ageing Souls In Need

The ageing gaiety of this seasonal overlordship
Pitied us as individuals, death had been approaching us
With wit of the devil that deceives you through trials.
One needed the soul to deceive another soul,

He Lost A Young Devil

He was lost with a railroad in a river of situations,
In the direction better influences were miles away;
Driven by the villages of both chiefs, a clear mark
Happened to be parked in some collision of the rivers.

Hand Of A She-Devil

I saw her hand of the devil's brew,
I saw her head with ruination of steam,
The water evaporated to let in glued bodies
So that sweat was a past affair.

I Enter The Shadows

I enter interesting stretches of the imagination,
Graceful waves obey the sinister waves of crimes;
My entrance into futile wars is of the satanic causes,
Opening the findings, and the closing has begun.

Await, Await

Do not ease my burden brought by brethren,
For their true hearts convince me of thoughts
Inside the very chasm of our lives sudden.
To say we ease our burdens is to dissolve the salt

Happiness Is Movement

The identity of happiness travels farther than movement,
Memories stay with black heaths as they recede in the darkness;
I see music and hear art, liking the cinderella and the nation
On the night of the ball that marries me with joy.

Singing Romans

We can sing forever in lines that are old,
In lines a gift has touched the souls
Forcing sentences with meaning
Through the throats and minds.

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