Naveed Akram Poems

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Thinking Of Wealth

My backer is the bank of thinking,
A special boast for all the time.
Loose are the raiders who speak,
Less thinking and considering is to leap.


Germ-free parts of the body live,
Palatial fountains are like springs of heaven.
The palace in this place supplies
And the organisms or germs will cling.

Sin To Astound

Replicate the sin to astound God,
Our genes shall spread forming lakes of indifference.
My sin is not huge, not huger than what partakes,
In this existence lies the cure to all ailments.

Do Not Reproach

Do not reproach your dear and beloved brother,
Beckon him now, summon his spirit so as to love him,
Considerably, lovingly, beautifully, and responsibly.
Then your sister contains the entire mouth of pleasant news.

Beautiful And Lovely

Sea’s Soul


Never did pain be a solution to the troubles ahead,
Pleasant news remained in existence for those with bread.
The bicycle was a decent invention, so bold and clever,
Not ever did the right of entry be attached to an achiever.

Underneath Is A Monster

Under the fountain is a loathing monster,
How hundreds have perished from such a beast.
The internal conversation we are having
Represents the evil within and the one good of it.

Rest Is Leisure

Rest and leisure accompanies the days
As well as the nights in some maze.
Why do sleepers find it always
To keep on repeating their rest in days?

Love These Laws

I love the laws that God sends down on us, raining,
Opening the doors of heaven, of absoluteness, raining.

My heart speaks to the delight of the creation,

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