Naveed Akram Poems

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Well Actions

Worship accordingly, well are the actions
And the deeds concern us having an ordeal.
In our banks of thoughts we have an ordeal
For the money to grow on the heavenly branches.


Pivotal work created magnitude of blessings,
He was obedient on me ever since.
The faster you pull the rope, the more you squeeze
And your grip is reduced to the point of nothingness.

Glorious Speech

Glory fires me up with distinction,
Desks of thought bestride me in speech.
A word has more meaning when spoken
Rather than the written variety


A sound is south, and north is normal,
For east has each, and west may be wealthier.
The wind blows on the horizon of trees,
We now possess some wondrous delight


The odium I uncovered still blesses me
With the days ahead and the nights to come.
My innocence stands as a lasting tactic,
Reluctance is the quality I most suppose.

Jolly Ending

The merry-making will have to end,
Offered by the hearts of our lives.
Your distinction collected from poverty,
The parties of adventuring were absent.

Sonnet Of Describing

To love a better person best describes
The light achieved by some who make us laugh,
My concentrated wand now mends a half
Of all those wands that manage some big tribes.

My Menacing Obstacle

An obstacle has offered my solution,
By finding a soldier of menace.
The object must be abolished, for all time,
To see the dying and lying we crush it.


A ceremonious act occurs in the room so wondrous,
Gold is against the rights but here stays the king.
Much accentuation occurred by his wording
To distinctly applaud and congratulate,

Symbolic Gesture

A symbol has been born, of vitality,
Offering the world the chance to bind.
Bonds of luxury are acting like flowers
Of every colour, of every degree.

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