Nazmul Hassan

Nazmul Hassan Poems

From the fear of being rejected
The Pawn never tried to be selected!
Flattering made others so high,
He didn't owe, now it's time to cry!

The Best Poem Of Nazmul Hassan

Tale Of A Pawn

From the fear of being rejected
The Pawn never tried to be selected!
Flattering made others so high,
He didn't owe, now it's time to cry!
Thus, he became their eyesore,
He's missing things from own store!

Time passes, goes and goes...
The Pawn makes a ton of foes!

The Pawn had dream he'd be a Rook,
He didn't know they had a Nuke!
Knight was there, he had a sword,
Our pawn was taken, couldn't be on board!
The trap was deep, he thought just ford,
He was murdered, laughed the foes' horde.
From then, all fear the Knight's blade,
Our Pawn's deeds simply fade!

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