Neo Maebana Mohlala Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Life We Live

The rain comes and goes
as rainbow appear and fade
but my love for you will not fade
nor storms can blow it away

Mind Power

Don't leave us in suspense,
or make your enemies dancerather
make, your pride extravagance.
Be versatile, you are made for a purpose.


My dreams are real will never rust
I feel them like im in a lust
I'm chasing the tail of my dreams
I move in different streams

My Dedication To Lulama.

I gave you all heart without suspicion
I loved you without limitation
as you never minded my imperfection.
Let me love you like a mansion

Forever Now, Always.

The stars shone sooner, the sky became blurry
I failed to see you coming, love is blind.
You showed me love that I will never find,
remained awesome, calm and kind.

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