Nermin Delic

Nermin Delic Poems

You know, Dinko is not guility
because you are burned by the Moon
and you threw a Love in the Universe


gledam u delijasto nebo

Nermin Delic Biography

*** In 2013., he was a Bosnian young ambassador in United States. A lot of awards he was got with his books and he is one of the most talented SE European poets. His another passion is medicine and he is very successful medicine student. (UPDATE SOON))

The Best Poem Of Nermin Delic

A Love Poem (Ljubavna)

You know, Dinko is not guility
because you are burned by the Moon
and you threw a Love in the Universe

You know good what the eyes are becoming
Madame, you know that
when you bury a dead autumn
and on your door there is no
a keys of words
which would lave your cheeks in a Danube
like the nights without a sleeping
and some a little non-ferrous a mornings
which are tidying ugly with a silence

Who knows what you touched
because the best thing was happened.
Nothing happened!

Dinko told me
that you are silly in the last time.
You throw tickets on road and, from the bus,
you gibe to nervous strangers
but I just wanted to hear from him
if you could love again.
Original version on Bosnian:


znaš, nije dinko kriv
što si se u tmini opekla o mjesec
i što si bacila ljubav u vasionu

znaš ti dobro u šta se oči pretvaraju
madam, znaš ti to
kad mrtvu jesen sahranjuješ,
a na vrata ti se ne prislanjaju
ključevi od riječi
u Dunavu da ti obraze umiju
kao neprosanjane noći
i nešto malo nenašminkanih jutrenja
tišinom što se bagavo sređuju

ko zna šta si dodirnula
čim se desilo ono najbolje
- ništa se nije desilo

dinko mi je pričao
da si blesava u posljednje vrijeme
bacaš karte pred put i iz busa
rugaš se nervoznim strancima
a ja sam samo htio čuti
da li bi ponovo voljeti mogla

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