Nete Thahe

Nete Thahe Poems

And that fairy didn't want to hear me play her organ
She said I'm sad a story she wants her heart back
Words is all I have left to play
And when memories fade

Playing my vocal chords in a mute ochestra on a radio show
I host Angels' talk ain't cheap at the time of the night so
We let the tapes roll beneath our feet
as we glide on airwaves

The Best Poem Of Nete Thahe

Permanent Echoes

And that fairy didn't want to hear me play her organ
She said I'm sad a story she wants her heart back
Words is all I have left to play
And when memories fade
I've got your name tatt'ed by my heart
Guess I'm blind tripping on my feet
Head over heels bleeding my heart out
I'm a bruised beholder
Ain't that beautiful enough for your eyes

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