Nicole Annette Hofer

Nicole Annette Hofer Poems

Close you eyes and see me
Release your senses and breathe me in
Relax your hands and touch me
Sleep Peacefully and Dream

The lone tree stands
The wind howls

I feel so vunerable
As tears form in my eyes
For you I ripped of my mask
Gave out my disguise


She was just like a bird
Wanting to learn how to fly
Why would you ruin her dreams
Take her from her home in the sky

Love; it's like the wind
We may feel it passing by
You may hear it's musical whispers
Sometimes you wish it to leave

What if the painter lost his brush
What if the singer lost his voice
What if the poet lost his words
What if the parents lost their children

As he wakes this morning
For his final fight
He puts on his armour
Walks into the light

Nicole Annette Hofer Biography

I am young and loving every experience life throws at me, i hope to write many more peoms. Still new to sharing my thoughts through poetry, but slowly becoming more open, like the saying goes 'the best is yet to come')

The Best Poem Of Nicole Annette Hofer

The Rose

Close you eyes and see me
Release your senses and breathe me in
Relax your hands and touch me
Sleep Peacefully and Dream

Dream of a world
Where darkness and horror
Do not exist
Only Love and Friendship

Dream of me standing
Beneath this giant willow
Run to me, Breathless
To hold me, my Love

Then wake as the morning sun
Shines upon your fallen hair
As you open your eyes
Remember you are my rose

Every petal is perfect
Every line, every curve
Never wilt does the rose
Upon my grave, beneath the willow

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