Inky Niks

Inky Niks Poems

The poet awakens,
As sceptics depart in an hour,
As the light fade on the tomb;
In the quirky stage of isolation

Your body bleeds
as you feel tired & lifeless.
Weeping out tears of folks
You are groping lost!

Deep down towards the night,
The drowning sea was seeming bright,
With poisoned silence inside,
She started walking that last night!

Oh, the Indian flag, which represents our country,
You are a powerful and admirable example of the history of our country.

Your saffron represents bravery,

Inky Niks Biography

'Shamanic Writer, Peaceful warrior.')

The Best Poem Of Inky Niks

The Poet Awakens

The poet awakens,
As sceptics depart in an hour,
As the light fade on the tomb;
In the quirky stage of isolation
The bard will take a wordy shower.
With breaching hymn of the eerie dry storm,
Where seclusion is the only solution.

The poet awakens,
Where nonentity moans for the deceased,
But think of their turn,
Where affluence is devotion;
And humanity is a sin,
Where craving for sexual ties is a necessity,
Where spreading love is a crime!

The poet awakens
In the festivity of a frown,
When dreams of the dead are given more power,
Over the desires of living.
When lies are respected,
And the quiet is called alive,
The poet awakens in that darkest night!

Inky Niks Comments

Inky Niks Quotes

Life is a Chapter where Desires travel like guests and hold your heart like Beloved!

Don't get upset, Don't get sad, and let yourself sense the best!

Adore Yourself, Cherish yourself, As you're like yourself!

Love isn't something you hold on to—it's something that holds you.

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