Nitu Gogoi

Nitu Gogoi Poems

A hope

Still the day is here
Life is twisted with mystery

It's a substract of soul
The immunance twes of glow,
Remembetic the emblems of past
Midnight to some of the gratious thoughts,

Waiting for you all the time
May or may not be found in this life
Will definitely meet you in the next birth
Sometimes I feel near even though I am away from you

The route she never forget,
The distance she never ended
They're nevertheless brings closeness
She's still waiting for him,

Every day is best
Sometimes everything ends without a goodbye
Although it's hard to accept
but nothing is permanent

The glorious festival of colours and love
Everywhere full of magnificent colours
It significance the peace and happiness
It carry the meaningful flavours of life,

The Best Poem Of Nitu Gogoi

A Hope

A hope

Still the day is here
Life is twisted with mystery
Nothingness becon em beslaks
Jerking the marvellous clinge,

Not to worry the destiny, but to adore em praise
Cuz life is beautiful, full of greatness
Graceness to cherish
Journey is glorious, shine of peaceful,

Mesmerize the glossy flossing emering
Sometime everywhere surrounds by storm, problem and pain
World's at time full of happiness, treasure with love
Behind every moment is beautiful and priceless
Just trust the process
Follow the system,

Not to fear, though what's going to be
Be there strength and smile face
Though it's so different
But stand strongly with delightful ecrening
The radiant smile inspiring others to walk extra mile,
to go ahead,

Sometime life's a darkness storm, a giant wind you may not cope up instill
There's many thoughts of dark dream
A swing, a miracle comes abruptly that nobody knows, win it positivism, think it precise,

A positivity in mind, life to be brighter, to be happiness,
filled with love and respect
Doesn't matter whether it's fall or rise
Always magnificent within ray of hope
Positive mind to be your happy lanes,
Positive thought to be your peaceful place.

- Nitz

Nitu Gogoi Comments

Nitu Gogoi Quotes

Task can wait deadline can wait But mental peace can't wait Work is important complete work on time is important But not more than life itself Get required details, sometimes take time things can happen on right time Some misplaced things can be back But life can't be back Everything can possible to buy But mental peace can't buy... - Nitz

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