Noor motin Islam

Noor motin Islam Poems

O evening stars! have seen
the sweet face of my dearest?

Whose restless eyes are full of dreams

I'm crying
When I'm running with a pace.
I'm a tired soul,
Although none feels my pain.

I don't know to reveal
That I love thee too much.
All buds had been fallen
From the flowerbed of our garden.

On the golden boat of money
The Mighty God has been playing.
The nest of love affection and others
are made by the sound penny.

The Best Poem Of Noor motin Islam

Have You Seen

O evening stars! have seen
the sweet face of my dearest?

Whose restless eyes are full of dreams
And the thirsty herat of pleasurable
devine hopes?

I don't know where and how she lives.
How does she decorate herself infront of candle?
Does she seek with best desires
in her wide black eyes?

Does the tune of my songs
evade in her soft soul?
Would the singing birds fly
in the nest of her heart?

Did the young buds blossoms in the Patel
Which pervade scent fragments around us?
Did she long to see me
through the eyes of bright moon?

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