Nvisible 2Luv Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Seeking The Honey Pot

A child’s laughter is
Ringing in my ears tonight
Oh, beautiful child
How do I get it right

Poetry Is Pain

Poetry is pain
And what a poet I am
No love in my life
So a pen is in my hand.

Dear Kristen

Always on another's shoulder
Smiles never meant for me
Your laughter will never reach my ears
Your future I will not see.

Optimistic Child's Prayer

Now I lay me
Down to sleep.
I pray the Lord
My soul to keep.

I Am Tartarus

Oh please, don’t make me explain.
I am Tartarus
And Satan I do love and disdain.
I am Tartarus

Quiet Child

I remember tugging on clothing
an arm,
a hand,
or whatever the moment provided...

Sugar, Spice And Everything Nice

Daddies are supposed to love their little girls.
So why could you never love me?
Sugar & spice illuminate their worlds,
But my sparkle you could not see.

Beautiful Child - Haiku

A child's laughter is
Ringing in my ears tonight
Oh, beautiful child

A Thorn By Any Name

Would a thorn by any name
Still cause pain?
Call it inexperience
For the sake of argument

Silly Boy

You're the only thing I can't write about.
There simply are no words
To say with truth & accuracy
What you've added to my world

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