''good morning '' has eleven alphabets.
''good bye'' has seben alphabet.
altogether eoghteen alphabets.
life is in-between, having four alphabets.
from perceptual voyage to mental reality reflecting physical actuality. to nature of nature ad culture of nature in anthropocenic- civilizatuonal order
when one mature poet is writing a poem, he or she doesn't hear the noises for a short time becausr he or she is absorbed in poetry making silence with high constration habit he practises for a long time.they don't know how much time they spend.
most poets say so.
poetic silence is is born out of poem while
writing poem.i call poetic silence neo-silence.this is being a poetic truth
clouds.leaf.branches of ides on airplanebwaiting for godot who is godod unknowns.known knowns.unknown unknowns.known unknowns.mental explosives.diseases inside body.diseases inside mind.selling stories ofind.exploding bodybof anger.nuclear matrials inside mind outside body.
clashes and conflicts inside interoperative minds leadd to outside state of mind-body stadium.open the curtain of truth condition on cloud theatre of changing human civilization in the 21st century.
the study of truth the study of future of imagination the study of silence the study of silence of imagination the study of silence of poetry the study of ethics of poetry..........................................
.................infinity of poetics....xylophone....
(operation theatre.1.) understanding and not understandung and beyond understanding
(operation rheatre.2.)
myth and reality and actuality in anachronism
(operation theatre.3.)
scientific knowledge of the world
interoperative in the zone of language, signs, symbols, images.semantics, semiotics, biosemiotics, concepts' state of becoming and being.postconceptual state of being and becoming of poetry, contemporary being and becoming of poetry and postcontemporary being and becoming of poetry through the process''hypothesis-experimentation-theory-plus-poetic future and postfuture state of imagination and assumption.
sony 1978
my dad is a radioed silence, sitting beside it everyday and now sony 1978 is alone in the living room radioed silence
my dad ided eight years ago at thebage of 87 his sony1978 is still in the living room.
a radioed silence