Nyein Way(Maung Maung Thein) Poems

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A Paper Boat

floating in the stream of dreams
a paper boat and a real moon
colourful smiles of motherhood
every night is a birth of uncertain dawn

My Dad

head up always
face toward
walk straightly
move silently

Blue Mountains

friends are happy
whemn I come back to my natives
blue mountains, silent stream, impressive evenings and
away from

Streets In Yangon, Myanmar

full of dreams
full of dawns
full of strengths for life

Poetry Of 99-Rivers

Life is simply uncertain.
So many questions and so many answers in multidimensionality of human conditions
postexistenriality of humanistic futurism and posthumanistic futurism

Ten Answers.Part.Four.

Delaying A Difficult Poem

psychological, philosophical and poetic realization upon realities of alternative dreamers of no dreams standing in the air walking into the deep forests of haymalayyas sitting on the sofas ofsubtle form changing clouds voicing the silence of wisdom_mediated experiences in meditative channel of mind inventiveness of language, sign and image digging the deepest mind of darkness do you understand it, my friend? ? ? ?
Delaying a difficult poem is that of delaying and deconstructing intertextuality of texual poetics of normalcy of radiating light of truth_moving flexibility for survival of meaningful emptiness with no ego or egoistic obsessiveness of meanings in the limits of language beyond the limits of language made of post_conceptual simplicities in impossiblities of infinite life forms duringmaking poetry post_enlightenedment studio of happences I am breathing in and breathing out now a mindfulness upon sensationalized of diversified directions of atoms as powtry materiality this is a post_conceptual explanational community of human condition
Be relaxed, my friend
Put your mindfulness on mind_body poetics of nowness

Flexibiliries For Future As Generalist From Specialist

way of thinking for changing social and philosophical realities of a gwneralist's integrated experiences
smiling faces of a walking peofessional realiries on the moving truth conditions which is difficult to grasp
be happy in the dealing with uncertainties of life dimensions
raise power of compassion and flexibilities in the world of living things

Meta_Poetic Boat In 99_Rivers

Poetry Is Spacewalk! !

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