Look over there!
joy and happiness unites,
as of the birds at night.
two lovers having a fun fare
Great hunter from her rise
The Eagle! Great mother;
Ne'er had she cry,
In joy her products gather.
The sun smiles faintly
As the moon with fury approaches;
The stars twinkle in high tempo,
The chirpy whinchat sings,
What joy is there
when one-eyed King suffers from glaucoma?
what can make a game fair
If the judge is from platitude far?
The earth look so good
As dead to-be rush to live;
The sick all in file rejoice
As they glow in recuperation.
All I think is how to fly
Breaking the nest, setting 'em free
All sending 'em from being fried
Through the pain of thunderous flies.
Be it day or night
ever open it is;
growing dark or bright,
The big eyes never cease.
This holds the mighty weapon,
the lord o'er all weapons.
It's once kill a warrior lord,
my pen is mightier than a sword.
He was born into the family of Oladoyin on 30th of March,1998 in saki town, oyo state Nigeria. He had his primary and secondary education at Blessed Home nursery & Primary school and Faith Schools & College, saki respectively. He studied public administration in The Polytechnic of Ibadan (2015-2017) , he is now a student at the University of Ibadan studying music.)
Happy Home
Look over there!
joy and happiness unites,
as of the birds at night.
two lovers having a fun fare
even their love I perceive here,
we're one they writes!
what a glorious sight!
what! here the world lies
in thousand couple emerge
all to make a perfect tie
their love they expresses at large
for real and not in the blues
even extreme they go to pledge.
A thousand saw I at a glance
in pairs they all appear,
even if not totally clear,
only one seems to balance
this couple did not but dance
for they have no sorrow to bear
rather than to dance and bounce.
The reason I asked from the spectators
but the notion they don't know
not till l ask my tutor
that I get to know
the reason behind their joy;
a broken courtship is better than a broken home.
A couple saw I a far,
they seems to be in high glee
for overcoming the waves of the sea.
Their union leaves mouths ajar,
even of those who had a blah
don't want to but see
the magnitude of their bliss
after conquering all world wars.
A poem could not but be jealous
for the love up in the arena.
Love is stronger than hatred in deed.
What a great beginning of a happy home!
My running and withdrawal from Immorality is not for petrifaction but for God's sanction injected into that action.
Pity not while counselling, Man will never cease making mistakes before trailing the fitting path.
Do your best, leave to God the rest, take your rest and expect the best
Man will never cease having psychic-ache if he must to psychoanalyse his state.
The deceit pigment in man's heart can only be incapacitated not totally erased.
Unless you're determined in your steps taken, you cannot succeed in your undertaken.
BEST is a mystery, SUCCESS is mysterious, workhard to unravel it.
Direct your passion to your vision and have your mission accomplished without tension.
To struggle is to succeed: struggling to make it, Exterminating the monstrous poverty.
The log-in log-out link can never in man cease... weep not for the dead.
The death of an end marks a new beginning