Osin Roy

Osin Roy Poems

Down comes the dry leaves’ shower,
As the cool wind blows.
And the night becomes darker,
As economical the sun goes.

The Best Poem Of Osin Roy

As The Night Begins...

Down comes the dry leaves’ shower,

As the cool wind blows.

And the night becomes darker,

As economical the sun goes.

Silence guards the streets;

The trees stand still;

And the houses present here,

Keep gazing at each other.

Reflection I can see,

Of the crescent moon;

And hear the star’s glee,

As they sing to winter’s tune.

The owl hoots sometimes;

And twinkles the fireflies;

Louder the frogs croak,

As if in choked throat.

And a cup of coffee,

Keeps me warm,

As I enjoy the chilly weather,

With my winter-wears on.

Meanwhile the scudding cloud,

Covers up the entire sky;

Soon the rain showers begun,

With the tip-top sound rising high.

It is now past midnight,

So I return to my room;

Going to bed, having put out the light,

I wish to have a sweet dream soon.

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