Jan Oskar Hansen Poems

Hit Title Date Added
When Words Stops

When words stop

Words, words sunken Japanese warships
in the bay of Palau where yellow jellyfish do not sting

A Friendly Place

A friendly place
There are no catfish in our little lake
but it has giant frogs, and some of them die if they are late
and the sun warms just standing on stone unable to move

Gold Rush

Gold Rush

Today I have been watching burly men
with heavy machinery despoiling Alaska

Depression 2

Depression 2
I was often jealous of my brother he had what I lacked
which was charm and people were drawn to him
he was intelligently knowledgeable without demonstrating

Thoughts On A Satuday

Thoughts on Saturday

I saw the Queen of England on TV it was her birthday and people
were out waving flags.I dislike monarchy in any form

New, New, Haiku


Early evening

A Newspaper And A Widow

A newspaper and a Widow

The old widow across the hall
has been coughing loudly during the night

Newspapers And Lies

A newspaper and a Widow

The old widow across the hall
has been coughing loudly during the night

Cold Heart

A newspaper and a Widow

The old widow across the hall
has been coughing loudly during the night

We Had It Coming

we had it coming

looking at pictures of an empty Piccadilly Circus
or the Eifel tower in Paris all are empty of life except

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