Jan Oskar Hansen Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Female Education

In Europe women have
A better education
And fewer children
Then before when

Olive And Orange

Olive and Orange
From the years of 650 and onwards Andalusia
Was a tolerant Arabic province, which even tolerated
the Jewish tradesmen pushing their handcarts on

The Abyss

The cloud of Abyss
It was a perfect day cobalt sky and azure, glittering sea
When a stygian cloud came from the east the Lord of Wars
Had spat phlegm spraying us with horror

Fire Hazard

Fire Hazard
When bringing in the hay that had been
drying on the fields, it was fodder for the animals
in winters, the farmer strewed salt on the hay

Fire Hazard 1

Fire Hazard
When bringing in the hay that had been
drying on the fields, it was fodder for the animals
in winters, the farmer strewed salt on the hay

Passing Misgiving

Passing misgivings
There are moments in once elderliness when
the flowers of the mind, the silver of remembrance
is but a cracked black & white film.

Rainy Day Sonnet

Rainy Day Sonnet.

It is so quiet here in my village when it is raining
dogs in outhouses are overtaken by melancholia.

A Winter`s Tale

A Winter`s Tale

It was clearing up in the afternoon
fingers of sunlight lit up the olive grove

A Winter`s Tale 2

A Winter`s Tale

It was clearing up in the afternoon
fingers of sunlight lit up the olive grove

A Portrait Of Emptiness

A portrait of emptiness

I got a book sent from a Sunday paper it is in written
Portuguese and tries to tell the story of a man who -

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