Jan Oskar Hansen Poems

Hit Title Date Added
They Kill Horses Too

They Kill Horses too

Spring 1945
a horse collapsed

The Downfall Of A Humble Man

Downfall of a humble man

Once he wore a uniform he had reached
the apex of his profession had staffs supplied

The Downfall Of A Humble Man 1

Downfall of a humble man

Once he wore a uniform he had reached
the apex of his profession had staffs supplied

Poetry Reading In Oslo

Poetry Reading in Oslo
Never had the lack of talent exhibited itself in so many poets.
I`m referring to a poetry fest in Oslo- years ago- for whom
Norwegian was not their first language.

While We Wait

While we Wait.

Late October it has been raining now it has stopped
the landscape is green the air mild and gentle


The Reef Unseen
He was fifty-five divorced living in a cottage but how
is it possible to explain how he came to fall in love with a woman
15 years younger and lose his dignity.

Reff Unseen

The Reef Unseen
He was fifty-five divorced living in a cottage but how
is it possible to explain how he came to fall in love with a woman
15 years younger and lose his dignity.

The Death

The Death
I would not like to die in winter
When earth is frozen and will not take a spade
They will dig a shallow grave

God As A Parent

God as parent
God is worried about his son Jesus
Since he was crucified he is not his jolly self
There were no Psychiatrists back then

October Friday

October Friday
This morning was green and a mild wind from
Morocco blew I was in Casablanca once
bought a pair of slippers it is what one does

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