Ovie Olori

Ovie Olori Poems

I once saw a girl
a pure, pretty, priceless gem was she
glittering and sparkling bright
with face far beyond perfection

With imploring voice i fearfully plead
On my flesh should vultures feast
Let the farmished scavengers ravage
Pecking In an insistent manner

At midnight has the sun risen
In obedience to an unknown command
Strangely it up ascends
Against the ominous dark sky

I have finally come of age
Where in misery i had walked
Through the desolate path i chose
That which verily leads to home

Ovie Olori Biography

hey y'all...i'm glad to be a member of this awesome poetry community but not to ramble, i guess a short line introduction is in order... i like to think of myself as a self proclaimed wordsmith who is wholly inebriated in the exuberances of his compulsive verbosity though it's quite apparent that subdued moments define my life..i love to spend the day, sequestered in my tranquilized room reading edifying books at incredibly lenghty hours, mourning my own existence and dreaming of endless possibilities that may come my way someday, people stereotype me as an unstable who has been typically known to be extremely grandiloquent with high falutin languages on random occasions but superlative vigour of expression is a congenital or rather an inherent part of me so i believe that those descriptions of me are emblematic but sheer madness.....my life is just a dichotomy of apparent vanity and inherent humility.)

The Best Poem Of Ovie Olori

Two Become One

I once saw a girl
a pure, pretty, priceless gem was she
glittering and sparkling bright
with face far beyond perfection
sculpted by heavens finest craftsmen
in lustful gaze, i looked
my mouth confessing of pulchritude
for from her eyes cascaded bliss
a steady flow
suffice to drown me
in the soliloquy of my own imaginations
now serene
branches swayed in the wind
whispering amongst themselves
two become one, two become one
her shimmering hair unfurls
eyes flutter with feline grace
entranced was i
up i walked and hands were held
Oh! United we are
and the scene was set
would you come with me?
Said sweet, soft and slow
Sure i will
only if you take the lead

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