Pamela Dietz

Pamela Dietz Poems

Vermont, Vermont, the state full of hills
Where dairy cows pay most of the bills
The cheese is good and the skiing is great
Vermont, Vermont, my favorite state.

When I say I love you
the words come from my heart.
Looking at your face, while talking
brings peace to my heart.


My love, my heart is so quiet
without you near.
My lips are lonely to feel your lips.
My hands are cool without your hands, in mine.

The Best Poem Of Pamela Dietz

Vermont, Vermont

Vermont, Vermont, the state full of hills
Where dairy cows pay most of the bills
The cheese is good and the skiing is great
Vermont, Vermont, my favorite state.

Vermont, Vermont, where wood stoves are cast
And from the hills spring maples so vast
Their sap becomes a nectar that's pure
Vermont, Vermont, the state that you must tour,

Vermont, Vermont, the state with fresh air
Where neighbors are good and willing to share
The mountains and trees have colors that blend
Vermont, Vermont, my home to the end.

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