Paramahansa Yogananda Poems

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My India

Not where the musk of happiness blows,
Not where darkness and fears never tread;
Not in the homes of perpetual smiles,
Nor in the heaven of a land of prosperity

God God God

From the depth of slumber,
As I ascend the spiral stairway of wakefulness,
I whisper
God, God, God!

When I Cast All Dreams Away

I sipped the sap of each sane pleasure;
I exulted in the crushed beauty of sextillion stars;
I made a bonfire of all sorrows and basked in the glory blaze;
I quaffed the questing love of all hearts;

One Friend

Many clouds do race to hide Thee –
Of friends and wealth and fame –
And yet through mist of tears I see
Appear Thy Golden Name.


Vanished are the veils of light and shade,
Lifted the vapors of sorrow,
Sailed away the dawn of fleeting joy,
Gone the mirage of the senses.


Whence, whence this soundless roar doth come,
When drowseth matter's dreary drum?
On shores of bliss, Om, booming, breaks!
All earth, all heaven, all body shakes!

My Cosmic Mother’s Face

Fairy dream faces, like fresh flowers,
May bloom in the vase of my gaze for my soul to see;
But the Face that vanished behind space
Cannot be replaced by any of these.


Oh, will that day arrive
When I shall ceaselessly ask – yea, drive
Eternal questions into Thine ear,

Undying Beauty

They did their best
And they are blest-
The sap, the shoots,
The little leaves and roots;

My Soul Is Marching On!

The shining stars are sunk in darkness deep,
The weary sun is dead at night,
The moon's soft smile doth fade anon;
But still my soul is marching on!

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