Paul Bayliss Poems

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Morning Light

When the soft morning light wakes me and i open my eyes, i see you,
When the sweet morning air fills my nose, i smell you,
When the warm sunshine tingles my skin, i feel you,
When the summer rain moisten's my lips, i taste you,


When i think of you it makes me smile,
My blood pressure rise's and my heart is full of desire,
My brow gets sweaty, my hands get hot,
My manhood swell's at the thought of your touch,

Moon Light

As the Moon light glows on the roof tops and they seem to glisen like snow, it takes me back to a time in my life i find so hard to let go,
I remember the times when our hearts were intwined, our bodies would touch, i can still feel the rush and electricy filled the air,
The love and passion i felt, a hand only god could have delt, and such love no man could compare,
Now i just lay on my bed those wonderfull memories filling my head, and my heart screeming...

Million To One


Woke up this morning feeling sad, just been dreaming about me dear ole dad all the hard times he must of he's Gone.
People pushing past me there always in a hurry, paying there bills and worry'ing about money hoping today there going to win the lottery....but it been won.
Life's lost its meaning were moving to fast, need to take time out and smell the grass, there more to it then just passing though gotta take a chance and the change the view before your Gone.
I'm cruising down the freeway its nice and Sunny, havent got a care and got no worries dont know where im going and im in no rush... coz im gone! Mmm i'm Gone....No more Mortgage no more bills alot less Stress and no more pills coz i'm Gone....Laying in bed walking in the sun gotta lot more time for everyone coz im Gone mm I'm Gone.

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