Paul Hartal Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Listen Darling

Darkened by whirling giant black holes
The night winks with thousand shiny eyes:

Listen Darling

Armenia, Armenia

After the great flood Noah’s ark landed
on Mount Ararat, says the Bible.

Nowadays, the snow-capped summit

Pesticide Fields

For Rachel Carson,1907-1968

In La Belle Dame sans Merci
John Keats writes about the sedge

Tanka About Knowledge

As the known widens
in the glass house of learning
the unknown deepens.
Memory is frail and brittle

Fate Hanged On A Hairbreadth

It was summer,1944.
The train stood at the railway station of Gyŏr,
halfway on the road
between Budapest and Vienna.

The Girl From Sri Lanka

I have no idea
Whether she is Tamil or Sinhalese.
The girl with her neatly combed hair
And native dress

The White Rose Of Stalingrad

Her nickname was Lilya.
In the Great Patriotic War
When Hitler’s armies invaded the Soviet Union
She became a Soviet air ace,

Once Upon An August Dreamy

Once upon an August dreamy
I saw a flat plane very sphery
I could not imagine the simple
Deck ducks danced in a drizzle.

Race Defilement

On the border between Saxony and Bohemia,
the City of Chemnitz lies at the northern foothills
of the Ore Mountains in East Germany.

A Free Imperial City in the Middle Ages,


Since a good scientist
Is always a skeptic
He doubts
That his mother

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