Paul Warren Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Haiku - The Morning Sun

Golden light chases night
As the world wakes anew now
Leave your bed jump in

Haiku - The Promise

A promise leaves your lips
As it floats to me sweetly
Is it now too late

Australia - The Baby Brown

I came outside and walked to the front yard
The neighbour's kittens were playing hard
As I walked close it became quite clear
They had a baby brown snake very near

Police - The Crime Fighting Cameramen

They are craftsmen who know their work well
Their cameras on their shoulders with a story to tell
They have been around, seen and done it all
Making movies is their business in SAPOL's call

Haiku - Time To Live

Take the time to live
Do not wait to live your life
Happiness is yours

Life - Free Will

How much choice do I have to make
When finding my way in decisions I take
Is my path already set out for me
With God's grace and a path to see

Life - Memories And Time

The end of the day has again come
As quickly as this morning begun
They say as you age the quicker time goes
Or is it we have trouble with how my memory knows

Science - Aliens On The Moon

Does NASA air brush their photo album
The Apollo astronauts took in their voyage then
When UFOs were seen to fly on by
And light up their path across the sky

Love – The Last Thought On My Mind

When my time has come and my end I find
You will be the last thought on my mind
Your soft caress in love’s embrace
Will be the last I remember of this world’s grace

Revenge - The Gypsy's Curse

The ice hung from the station building at Dachau camp
The sun struggled to light the scene in the wet and damp
In the distance a steam train whistle blows announcing its arrival
As the SS guards stamp their feet in their cold revival

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